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Pure Joy Healing is your companion for life changing growth and personal peace. Our holistic approach encompasses mind, body & spirit to help you on a journey toward profound wellbeing & self discovery. Through personalized coaching, empowering group sessions & the ancient Japanese art of Reiki, we offer personal & powerful pathways for growth & renewal.

Led by Amy Warner, a devoted Physical Therapist, Usui Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher & Strategic Intervention Life Coach, our mission is to empower individuals to unlock their truest potential, find inner peace & manifest their best selves.

"Healing is not just a destination but a lifetime journey. Let’s cultivate joy and deep connection together."


Life Coaching

Personalized one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your needs & desires. Whether in person, over the phone, or via Zoom, we work together to create a personalized plan to achieve your life goals & discover the root of what you want most out of life.

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“I believe we all need help navigating the human experience; to connect with tools, strategies & lightbulb moments that work personally for each of us as we journey towards lasting peace, health & happiness. I always have support in my back pocket; I dream of a world where everyone does.”

Usui Reiki Sessions

Experience the therapeutic power of Reiki, a hands-on healing energy technique that promotes physical, spiritual, emotional & mental well-being. Reiki channels beautiful white light life force, a gentle yet powerful energy, from the universe to you. This energy flows through every living thing like a sacred river.

Reiki House Clearing & Manifesting Sessions

Clear away stagnant energy & infuse your home with positivity, alignment & healing energy. Ideal for new homes, spaces with stuck energy, or anyone seeking balance in their home environment.

Book a Session

Usui Reiki Level I, II, & III Classes

Learn the healing art of Reiki in three levels.

  • Level I teaches you to give Reiki to self, others, objects & spaces.
  • Level II teaches you to send Reiki & introduces emotional & mental healing symbols.
  • Level III, Master Practitioner Teacher, strengthens energy & enables teaching.

Classes are 6 hours each, with Level III including an additional meeting. Contact Amy today to be notified of her class schedule.

Contact Amy

Group Growth

Large or small, let Amy guide your group! Contact us today for bookings, inquiries & additional information.

Or join others in the Sacred Soul Community, our free monthly online gathering via Zoom for educational & embodiment sessions. Connect with like-minded individuals, deepen your self-awareness & explore practices for holistic well-being.

Contact Amy

Guest Speaker

Need an energetic, inspirational & articulate speaker for your professional event, retreat, or group? Amy is passionate, trained & versed in all things personal empowerment, health & wellness, the sacred feminine, mindfulness & more! Contact Amy today to discover what powerful ideas & compelling messages she has to share with your audience.

Contact Amy


Amy Warner is the heart & soul behind Pure Joy Healing in Oswego. As a certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach & Usui Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher, Amy's journey is dedicated to compassionate healing through alternative therapies. For nearly 2 decades, Amy has committed herself to guiding others along their paths to personal transformation. Her approach is gentle yet effective, whether she's presenting publicly, guiding groups, facilitating individual Reiki sessions, or offering transformative life coaching. Deeply committed to nurturing the mind, body & spirit, Amy has helped countless clients conquer fear, find peace & embrace life's fullest potential. Connecting in person or through virtual sessions, Amy holds a safe & supportive space where clients can examine inner barriers, explore deep desires & fulfill their dreams. Amy also finds joy in fostering community through small & large groups. Currently, she leads the Sacred Soul Community - a monthly online gathering designed to cultivate connection & self-discovery. With genuine warmth & unwavering devotion, Amy invites you to join her on the journey of healing, growth, self discovery & pure joy.

“Life is complicated. Being a human & having a human experience is really hard & really beautiful. I have learned so much through my curiosity, my drive for growth & my own personal challenges & joys. To help others realize their authentic truth and wholeness is truly the greatest joy of all."


Life Coaching

Life Coaching - $150 per session (one hour)
Life Coaching - Coaching Package: Buy 5 sessions, get one free ($750 for 6 sessions - $150 savings)

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki Sessions - $60 per session (approx. one hour)

Reiki House Clearing

Reiki House Clearing & Manifesting Sessions - $222 per clearing (within 10 miles of Oswego, additional fees apply beyond)

Usui Reiki Classes

Usui Reiki Level I - $175
Usui Reiki Level II- $175
Usui Reiki Level III - $350

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I'm excited to hear from you. What can I help you with?

Phone: (315)-529-0251
Email: Amy@PureJoyHealing.co

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